Class |
Description |
ChannelIsNullException |
Herts channel null exception class.
ClientInfo |
CollectionUtil |
Herts collection utility
CustomGrpcDescriptor |
Herts gRPC custom static descriptor.
CustomGrpcMarshaller |
Herts grpc marshaller
CustomGrpcStramingMarshaller |
Herts grpc steaming marshaller
CustomGrpcStreamingDescriptor |
Herts gRPC streaming descriptor.
CustomGrpcUnaryDescriptor |
Herts gRPC unary descriptor.
DateTimeUtil |
Herts Date utility
HertsHttp |
Herts HertsHttp annotation.
HertsMessage |
Herts rpc message of internal
HertsMetricsSetting |
HertsMetricsSetting.Builder |
HertsReactiveService |
Herts reactive service interface
HertsReceiver |
Herts receiver interface
HertsRpcReceiver |
Herts HertsRpcReceiver annotation.
HertsRpcService |
Herts HertsRpcService annotation.
HertsService |
Herts service interface
HertsServiceBidirectionalStreaming<T> |
Herts bidirectional streaming service
HertsServiceClientStreaming<T> |
Herts client streaming service
HertsServiceHttp<T> |
Herts Http server service
HertsServiceReactiveStreaming<T,K> |
Herts reactive streaming service
HertsServiceServerStreaming<T> |
Herts server streaming service
HertsServiceUnary<T> |
Herts unary streaming service
HertsType |
Herts support type
HttpErrorException |
Herts http error
HttpErrorException.StatusCode |
Herts supports http status code
HttpServerBuildException |
Herts http server failure exception class.
InternalHttpErrorResponse |
Herts http error response for internal message
InternalHttpMsg |
Internal Payload.
InternalHttpRequest |
Herts http request for internal message
InternalHttpResponse |
Herts http response for internal message
InvalidMessageException |
Herts component invalid message exception class.
InvokeException |
Herts invoke error exception
Logging |
Herts logger
Wrapped java.util.logging.Logger
Logging.Manager |
Custom LogManager.
NotSupportParameterTypeException |
Herts component not support parameter type exception class.
ReactiveStreaming |
Herts reactive streaming internal interface
RegisteredMethod |
Herts rpc method for internal registration
RpcClientBuildException |
Herts core client build failure exception class.
RpcErrorException |
Herts prc error
RpcErrorException.StatusCode |
RpcServerBuildException |
Herts core server build failure exception class.
ServiceMethodNotfoundException |
Herts failure instance exception class.
ServiceNotFoundException |
Herts service is not found on registered service exception class.
ServiceValidateUtil |
Herts service validation utility
SharedServiceContext |
Herts shared context on server and client.
SharedServiceContext.Header |
SharedServiceContext.Rpc |
StreamBodyException |
Herts grpc streaming invalid message failure exception class.
StreamParsingException |
Herts stream error exception
StreamResBodyException |
Herts grpc streaming invalid message failure exception class.
TypeInvalidException |
Herts core type invalid exception class.